April 2020: Due to Covid-19 meeting restrictions, the Image of the Year competition on 2-Apr was a virtual meeting.
Ian Goodall produced, and distributed to club members, an AV of the entries and results, including Judge Charles Summer’s feedback and scores.
March 2020: The 3-way Match-an-Image competition between North Berwick, Biggar and Livingston became a 2-way between North Berwick and Livingston CC.
This was Livingston’s first match-an-image, and guess what, they won by 3 points.
A great evening was enjoyed by all, helped by the large group of visitors from Livingston!
North Berwick are already planning their revenge next year in Livingston.
February 2020: The Stairs assignment, judged by members, was won by Alastair White.
Chris Swan couldn’t make it so club member Alastair White stepped in with his talk Photography in the Desert – Challenges, Opportunities and Rewards.
January 2020: Photographer Gordon Terris, of The Herald, gave a talk on the Construction of the Queensferry Crossing, supported by many of his superb photos.
In addition, Gordon showed us a selection of his published photographs supporting various news stories.
November 2019: Neil Scott, of Edinburgh Photographic Society, gave an excellent talk, In my Mind’s Eye.
We enjoyed an extra meeting – a Light Painting Workshop – with David Gilliver who enthralled us with his and excited us with our own amazing “painting with light” photos.
The annual Chairman’s Trophy was won by Rob Rogers, with Maggi Doak runner-up and Val Stuart third.
Judge David Saddler from Dundee CC also awarded highly commended to images by Steve Kydd, Margaret Miller, Rob Rogers and Neil Milton.
A Match-an-Image away vs Haddington CC was won by North Berwick.
October 2019: Karen Thorburn, who lives on the Black Isle, treated us to an excellent double presentation – Landscape and Wedding Photography.
We held the North Berwick Challenge Trophy Match-an-Image against Musselburgh CC which, unfortunately, had to be declared a draw due to a misunderstanding of the rules.
September 2019: At the opening night – when several new members joined – Cheese & Wine, several members showed their summer photos.
Club member Ian Goodall gave the first talk of the season on Book Publishing and his postcard book From North Berwick with love.