Our ‘Image of the Year’ competition was the final challenge for members this season. Unfortunately our judge wasn’t able to make it on the night, but members were not deterred….we quickly prepared some voting slips and judged the entries ourselves! After the results were announced members were able to talk about their own submitted images, which everyone found really interesting and informative.

Sunrise through Forth Rail Bridge’ by Maria Djumic
The winning image was ‘Sunrise through Forth Rail Bridge’ by Maria Djumic. Not being able to sleep well one night, Maria had looked at the weather forecast and noticed favourable conditions. So she decided what better than to head out with her camera. Lucky for us as she caught this stunning shot.

Osprey by Val Stuart

Storm on Black Sand Beach Iceland by Val Stuart
Val Stuart picked up second and third place with ‘Osprey’ and ‘Storm on Black Sand Beach Iceland’ respectively. Both images presented challenges in the taking. ‘Osprey’ was a very early rise and sitting in a hide just waiting to get that perfect shot. With the beach image, it was brave just to take a camera out!

The Tower by Steve Gorman

Bass Rock Reflection by Maggi Doak

Catastrophe by John Reglinski
Well done to other members who also had commended images: Steve Gorman with ‘Tower’, Maggi Doak with ‘Bass Rock Reflection’ and John Reglinski with ‘Catastrophe’.