Meeting – 17 November 2022

We were treated to a terrific Zoom presentation by Antony Zacharias, renowned Long Exposure photography expert.

It was a hugely captivating talk based largely on the teachings in his book “Mastering Long Exposure” and covered various techniques for use during both day and night photography.

These ranged from the tools and preparation to increase sky drama, particularly in the “blue hour” and to enhance architectural photography, to the more fun techniques used to smooth flowing waters, adding Astrophotography components into our photos; as well as a fascinating insight into the increasingly popular realm of Intentional Camera Movement.

Antony also gave us some great insights into using different neutral density filters and a host of tips and tricks to maximise prospects for capturing images that put a different twist on classic sights.

We had to admire his stamina, as it was a full 2 hour presentation packed-full of content and good humour.

I am sure many of those attending ( a good turnout too!) will be inspired to venture forth and undertake more long exposure photography assignments – our eyes were certainly opened to the possibilities.”

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